
Acupuncture is one of the key components of traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM),and is among the oldest healing practices in the world. It is characterised by a collection of procedures which involves the stimulation of points on the body either by:

Penetrating the skin with needles that are then manipulated manually or by electrical stimulation

Traditional acupuncture focuses on the individual rather than their illness or isolated symptoms. Pain and illness is regarded as a sign that the body is out of balance. The aim of Traditional acupuncture is to re-establish the free flow of qi, to restore balance and stimulate the body’s own self-healing resources. This is achieved by inserting ultra thin, sterile, disposable needles into specific points which correspond with the meridian channels.

The ear is a valuable tool in rebalancing the body and provides an effective and accessible means of assistance at a fundamental level. The ear functions as a minute representation of the body in the same way as the foot does in reflexology. Disharmony within the body can be reflected onto the ear as an area of inflammation, white or grey nodules and even scarring. By using very small acupuncture needles on the ear, the acupuncturist can stimulate the energy at these points, helping to address imbalance in the body. Sometimes small plasters with little gold balls or seeds are left over certain points on the ear to maintain the affects of the session, and enable the client to be active in their own health by stimulating these specific areas. As well as rebalancing the body, Auricular acupuncture facilitates chemical changes that occur within the bloodstream. Auricular acupuncture can be used with other styles of acupuncture or on its own.

Cosmetic Acupuncture is a painless therapy that can help reduce the signs of ageing. It involves the use of tiny disposable needles inserted into various acupuncture points on the face. By stimulating these points, energy blockages are cleared and both oxygen and blood flow are increased to the face. In addition lymphatic drainage is promoted. At the cellular level this helps the skin to remove toxic waste effectively and thus maintain efficient rejuvenation of the cells.

The session results in plumping up the skin, smoothing out wrinkles and dissolving lines of tension. However, importantly at a deeper level, collagen and elastin fibres are stimulated to encourage regeneration which can keep us looking younger longer. The needles are left in the face for approximately 30 minutes and the whole procedure is very relaxing. A minimum of 6 sessions is generally required to see the benefits however even after one session the skin can look rejuvenated and radiant.


Margaret Evans, Pinky Lalwani,Samara Reid, Dr Ana Drobez

Addictions And Habits

Addiction is the result of the Limbic System becoming hijacked and the brain believing that the person has a survival need, which is then reinforced by the chemical being produced and released. Addictions can also often negatively impact the people around the person with the addiction.

Humans can become addicted to any mind-altering substances - drugs (prescribed, legal and illegal), alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and even food; many millions of people are addicted to sugar, fat and white flour.

We can also become addicted to behaviours and thoughts: work, exercise, sex, love, relationships, gambling, self-harming, computer games, Internet, pornography, shopping, adrenaline, crime, religion, anger, worry, guilt, fantasy, perfectionism, fear, envy, power, financial trading, fame, co-dependency and even grief.

These “process” addictions can be just as damaging as drugs- sometimes even more so. For example:
Family relationships are destroyed by work and sex addictions.
Gambling and shopping addiction can create huge debts and stress.
Food and exercise addictions can seriously harm the body.
Love and fantasy addiction can take over your mind and create enormous emotional pain.

Often, Addictions are about control, trying to not feel certain feelings and to create desired feelings (self-esteem, confidence, euphoria, numbness, excitement, courage, etc).

Our approach to treating all addiction, including both substance abuse and behavioural addiction, is based on the most current clinical evidence. Our therapy treatments are put in to practise by our wide range of experienced and diverse therapists, who offer alternative approaches to give you both the knowledge and coping skills to live without the use of harmful chemicals or addictive behaviours.


Dr Sukul Diwaker

wheat in a field


What is an Allergy?

 An allergy is when the body has an inappropriate response to a substance which is not normally harmful to the body's immune system. 

 Our immune system is a highly complex defencemechanism which helps us fight infection and disease. However, when a person has an allergic response, it's when the body has wrongly identified a non toxic substance believing it's a foreign intruder. The body then it releases chemicals in order to protect itself, although in this instance it is an abnormal response. This abnormal response causes a reaction(s), otherwise known as an allergic symptom(s).  In some extreme or severe cases the white cells (leucocytes), the cells in the immune system, overreact causing or creating more damage to the body whereupon the allergic reaction becomes a disease. Severe allergic reactions such as anaphaylaxis, is a severe, potentially life threatening allergic reaction, occurring within minutes of exposure to an allergen. This reaction must be addressed immediately by emergency medicine.

 Substances that provoke allergic responses are called allergens. The  most common symptoms are itching (skin rash), nasal congestion, headache, fatigue, shortness of breathe, hives, and coughing.

 The most common allergens are pollen, (flower and tree), grass, dust, mold, **specific foods, animal hair, dust mites, and medications. Chemicals found in shampoo, washing powder and soap in addition to organophosphates ie, chlorphyrifos, benzoic acid, sulfites/sulfur dioxide formaldehyde resin, allethrin, Pentachlorophenol (PCP)and xylenes,

 The difference between a food allergy and food intolerance. 

An intolerance is the body's inability to digest and process food correcty.  This may be due to a lack of correct enzymes. On the other hand, an allergy occurs . when the immune system produces an antibody response to food. The ingested food is seen as a threat and is mistakenly treated as a potential harmful substance, triggering a protective response. 

**Highly allergenic foods
Chocolate, corn, eggs, peanuts, rice, shellfish, strawberries, tomatoes,  wheat, yellow food dye…

Functional medicine, simple blood tests and NES health are able to identify and treat allergies and intolerance.


Dr Damien Downing, Dr Rajendra Sharma, Christina Barton, Linda Crawford.


Ayurveda medicine seeks to address the root causes of disease rather than the symptoms to achieve a state of health and balance.

To establish these root causes, it is imperative for the practitioner to understand the history, lifestyle and dietary habits of the client. Ayurveda medicine uses specific methods to establish imbalances, so that the appropriate course of action can be taken. This varies according to the individual, but can include herbal preparations, a course of purification (Panchakarma), massage, exercise, breathing techniques, meditation, and dietary and lifestyle advice.


Shanta Godagama, Angela Hope Murray

Bio Identical Hormones 


Bioidentical hormones have the same chemical and molecular structure as those that are produced by the human body as opposed to ‘synthetic’ hormones which are structurally different. Bioidentical hormones therefore fit receptor sites on cells perfectly, like a ‘lock and key’ and the physiological effects are consistent with the normal responses of the body with better tolerance and fewer side effects. They originate from plant sterols derived from mexican yam and soya beans and are therefore natural. The plant sterols are extracted and synthesised into fine powders which are then made into various hormone preparations. Synthetic hormones may bind to other receptors and cause adverse side effects such as weight gain, acne and bloating.

The recommended licenced HRT prescribed on the NHS about 8 years ago was synthetic HRT with oral conjugated equine estrogens (derived from the urine of pregnant mares) and synthetic progesterones or progestins- this was the cocktail used in the Women’s Health Initiative study in 2002 which associated HRT with an increased risk of breast cancer, cardiovascular disease and strokes. Retrospective analysis revealed that the study was poorly designed, the women were postmenopausal, had existing health conditions and synthetic estrogen and synthetic progesterones were used orally. A meta-analysis published in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) in 2008 showed that oral estrogen therapy increased the risk of blood clots 2 to 3-fold compared to transdermal treatment. The French E3N- Epic study in 2005 assessed 55,000 women on HRT and found no increased risk of breast cancer with bioidentical estrogen used alone or combined with oral micronised progesterone (OMP). A follow up in 2008 of over 80,000 women showed the breast cancer risk was highest in the group that took synthetic progestins, followed by estrogen only but there was a ZERO increased risk with transdermal estrogen and OMP.

It took until 2015 for the NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) to reflect this research about bioidentical hormones and the BMS (British Menopause Society) consensus statement in 2019 was also in agreement that bioidentical hormones are the gold standard. Unfortunately, oral and synthetic forms of HRT are still available on the NHS and being prescribed, contrary to scientific evidence. Regulated bioidentical or bodyidentical HRT is available on the NHS and in other private menopause clinics. Bodyidentical HRT is prescribed in standardised doses but there are limited modes of delivery if treatment is not well tolerated.

The Marion Gluck Clinic is an international leader in bioidentical hormone balancing treatments and collaborates with the Specialist Pharmacy, which is the UK’s first and market leading compounding pharmacy where high-quality hormone medications are made up for each individual client in personalised doses. There is a range of formulations available including transdermal creams, sublingual losenges, sublingual drops, rapid dissolve tablets and vaginal creams so we can find the right formulation for each patient for optimum efficacy and convenience. There are a range of bases available, including hypoallergenic, vegan and PEG free. The Specialist Pharmacy is regulated by the General Pharmaceutical Council.



A bioidentical hormone doctor uses either standardised bioidentical hormone preparation (body identical or regulated bioidentical HRT) or individualised doses of bioidentical hormones made by a compounding pharmacy (compounded bioidentical HRT). Ideally testosterone and DHEA are included as part of a BHRT protocols. A BHRT initial consultation is 45 to 60 minutes where a detailed assessment is made of your health and concerns by your consultant. Testing is carried out as appropriate via blood tests and cutting-edge functional medicine testing such as the Dutch test. Comprehensive hormone testing includes estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, and DHEA (dihydroepiandosterone) as well as general physical and metabolic health.  Once results are available, a personalised treatment plan is formulated and there is a discussion about the specific combination of bioidentical hormones needed to restore health and not a ‘one size fits all’ blanket approach. Continuity of care is guaranteed and followed up occurs in partnership with your trusted consultant. The integrative approach means that other aspects of your health will be addressed. Patients are monitored regularly to see if the hormone formulation needs to be adjusted according to blood tests and symptom checking. Once you are stabilised on treatment, you will be followed up at 6-month intervals.

All the hormones of the endocrine system interact with each other- cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, thyroid hormones, and insulin in an intricate dance to achieve homeostasis and respond to a changing environment and the integrative approach takes this into consideration and much better physiological balance is achieved.

Bioidentical hormones can help with the following symptoms:

 Fatigue and low energy

Joint pains

Hot flushes and night sweats

Insomnia and sleep disturbances

Anxiety and irritability

Mood swings and depressed mood

Low libido

Decreased focus and concentration

Poor cognitive function, memory loss and brain fog

Vaginal dryness and irritation

Erectile dysfunction

Hair loss and skin changes

Conditions that can be helped by achieving hormone balance: 



Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)



Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

Postnatal depression

Adrenal fatigue


Long term health benefits:

Prevention of osteoporosis

Prevention of cardiovascular disease

Prevention of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers Dementia

Reduction in risk of bowel cancer and diabetes

Improvement in quality of life such as energy levels and confidence

Improvement in sexual function

Improvement in metabolism and stability of weight

With any form of hormone treatment, safety is paramount. We endorse regular screening investigations such as mammography, cervical screening, and annual pelvic ultrasounds to check ovarian health and endometrial lining thickness. It is also important to support general health to encourage detoxification of hormones and clearance from the body, for example, estrogen is cleared from the liver, so optimising liver health by keeping weight down and alcohol consumption at sensible limits is key. Nutrition is a vital foundation for good hormonal health as is exercise, good sleep, active relaxation and management of stress, the tenets of lifestyle medicine.

The functional medicine approach sees gut health as central to overall health, metabolic balance, and immunity- it has an impact on all physiological processes including clearance of hormones. Any form of gut imbalance can be the root cause of a multitude of conditions such as thyroid imbalances or estrogen dominance. An imbalance of gut bacteria is called dysbiosis and this can cause the gut lining to become leaky and trigger immune responses and inflammation. We will evaluate gut health and offer functional testing and gut restoration programmes as needed.

The Marion Gluck Clinic continues to provide education and resources to support your hormone health with regular blogs, social media posts and a patient newsletter.


Dr Ghazala Aziz-Scott, Dr Shashi Prasad



Bio-Resonance therapy is a technique that combines holistic principles with electrical technology. The device is used for both diagnostic and therapeutic feedback  purposes.

Our cells and organs produce electromagnetic fields just like radio waves. Different frequencies are produced in different parts of the body and by different diseases. The Bicom device picks up the electrical frequencies from one part of the body, it then amplifies the healthy frequencies and plays them back into a weak or diseased part of the body. The disease frequencies picked up by the antenna are reversed or inverted (phased out) and played back into the body to neutralise the disease. When you invert a frequency and play it back onto itself, the original wave is extinguished. This method rebalances your body’s energies to a healthy state. This may need to be repeated several times but can eliminate the cause of the disease permanently.


Linda Crawford, Christina Barton



Massage is a universal therapy that is practiced through many different modalities. Essentially, massage employs soft tissue manipulation to achieve physical (anatomical), functional (physiological), and psychological results.

Massage is a systemic therapy that improves blood lymph and general fluid circulation, bringing oxygen and nutrients to every single cell. Specific techniques help relieve muscle tension and pain; increase flexibility and mobility; regulate and improve the function of internal systems such as the endocrine and immune systems; and integrate mind and body.


Holistic massage is a therapeutic tool that can be used to re-establish a sense of homeostasis within the body, and equilibrium throughout the individual’s sense of self. The focus lies in the client as a ‘whole’ rather than the specific symptoms they may be presenting; and so considers environment, psychology, nutrition and other lifestyle elements to establish the cause of particular imbalances.

Holistic massage is based on Swedish massage techniques and incorporates essential oils to further facilitate therapeutic benefits such as invigoration or relaxation. Relaxation techniques, breath-work and visualisations may be used, according to whether the client and therapist feel this may be useful.

Holistic massage also incorporates lifestyle advice to help reduce negative effects and enhance the positive benefits of lifestyle choices.


Marma massage promotes good blood flow by stimulating the marma points, thereby promoting physical and mental rehabilitation. Increasing blood flow through these neuro-muscular junctions helps tone the corresponding muscles, which in turn can clear away obstructions that delay information being communicated between the muscles, nerves and brain.
A Marma point is defined as an anatomical site where flesh, veins, arteries, tendons, bones and joints meet up. There are 107 of these vital points throughout the body and it is considered essential for health to ensure good blood flow throughout these neuro-muscular junctions. Similar with Acupuncture, marma points correspond to internal organs and systems of the body which react to manual stimulation.

Through centuries of practice it has been observed that the following symptoms can be alleviated through Marma massage: Nervousness and anxiety; Light headedness; Numbness; Metallic taste in the mouth, tingling in the fingertips and toes; Stress; Fatigue; Physical weakness and Muscular aches and pains. Stroke victims benefit from Marma massage because it helps the brain to ‘re-learn’ how to control and co-ordinate the muscles and nerves after illness or injury.


Corinne Zeiderman, Sandra Nathan, Samara Reid.


The main aim of chiropody/podiatry is to assess, diagnose and help with abnormalities and diseases of the lower limb.

Chiropody/podiatry at The Hale Clinic is a complete holistic foot care, where the foot is considered in conjunction with the entire body. Standard features of this include a soft tissue massage of the feet with natural medicines; homeopathy may also be used to help specific conditions.

Common conditions that chiropodists/podiatrists can assist with are:

Children and adults presenting pains in their legs or feet as they grow or have problems walking
People with diabetes who may have problems with circulation, or sensation in their feet.

Sports/dance injuries relating to the legs and feet
Calluses; bunions; corns; toe deformities; verrucas; athletes foot; foot pain; biomechanics; back pain; hip and knee pain; flat feet; ingrown toe nails; arched feet and ulcers.

People may simply want advice about footwear and foot health, in which the chiropodist/podiatrist is fully qualified to help with.


Angela Hope Murray

Clinical Psychology

Clinical psychology is a broad branch of psychology that focuses on treating mental, emotional, and behavioural disorders. Some of the more common disorders that might be treated include learning disabilities, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.


Dr Sukul Diwaker

Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon Hydrotherapy is a gentle therapy, which involves the slow introduction of warm, filtered water into the colon via the rectum. The water is introduced at a very low and carefully controlled pressure. The water, combined with gentle abdominal massage, helps to soften faecal matter and hardened deposits so that they can be expelled naturally by your colon and piped away with the waste water. We use Wood Gravity method (closed system). It is completely hygienic as all equipment is disposable and sterile. Also rest assured that your modesty is preserved at all times.


Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy: As this works by encouraging the natural function of the colon (as opposed to using suction – which is a common myth) it can aid in the functional rehabilitation of the colon. It can be useful in helping with conditions such as:
• Constipation
• diarrhoea
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome
• Spastic Colon
• Atonic (Sluggish) Colon

Encouraging the elimination of lingering waste and intestinal gas can also help with other digestive problems like:
• Diverticulosis (not when inflamed)
• Bloating
• Flatulence
• Indigestion
• Candida
• Parasites

Colonics can also be beneficial to those with the following conditions, especially if they are linked to poor elimination or compromised gut function:
• Allergies
• Arthritis
• Asthma
• Halitosis (Bad breath)
• Multiple Sclerosis
Skin problems: eczema, acne, psoriasis

For more information, please give us a call on 020 7631 0156


Kaori Murphy, Anna Pozza

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a soothing and gentle type of bodywork that has its roots in osteopathy. It involves a very light touch of the therapist’s hands for both diagnosis and health benefits. Despite its gentle nature it gives opportunity to release chronic tension and blockages that may be held at a very deep level of the bodymind system. As the name indicates, Craniosacral therapy focuses its attention on bone structures, joints and membranes of the cranium (skull), the spine and the sacrum. These structures enclose the central nervous system, whose functioning craniosacral therapy aims to balance and harmonise in a way that leads to a state of natural homeostasis for all biological and mental functioning.

The craniosacral system inter-connects with every part of the body’s fascia, its muscles and nerves. It extends into every organ, the senses and affects the functioning of human consciousness in balancing ways. Hence Craniosacral therapy is a holistic form of bodywork that that both works well on its own and as part of a model of integrated medicine. 

It rebalances the musculoskeletal, immune, endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It has shown to be effective for a whole range of conditions that affect body and mind, including: 

Arthritis; asthma; autism; back pain; birth trauma; cerebral palsy; colic; depression; digestive problems; drug withdrawal; dyslexia; frozen shoulder; hormonal imbalances; hyperactivity; immune system disorders; insomnia; lethargy; menstrual pain, PMS; migraine; post-operative problems during and after pregnancy; reintegration after accidents; fall or injury; sciatica; sinusitis; spinal curvatures; sports injuries;; stress related illness incl. depression, anxiety, burn-out, insomnia and PTSD, trauma and accident, tinnitus and middle ear problems; TMJ (jaw) disorders; visual disturbances and whiplash injuries.

Craniosacral therapy is generally relaxing and pleasant, creating a sense of stillness, inner peace, incl. graceful meditativeness. The client may become aware of subtle bodily sensations and movement of life force energy; existing imbalances within the body may also become amplified before they resolve into sensations and feelings of release and well-being.


Alan Richardson, Stephan Hein.


Please phone the clinic on 0207 631 0156 to get further advice on the range of Detoxification therapies we offer.


Kaori Murphy

 Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

EFT is a classified “Power Therapy”; a relatively new dynamic that has emerged within the field of psychotherapy. Power Therapies are known by this term because they are reported to work rapidly and efficaciously.

EFT has been developed from the ancient Chinese meridian energy system, and is often referred to “emotional acupuncture” without the needles.

EFT works on the principle that all negative emotions are the result of a disruption in the body’s energy system. These disruptions or blockages are cleared by applying tapping movements on the end of the body’s energy meridians, while thinking of the issue that intends to be resolved.

The combination of physical stimulation and intentional thought sends pulses of energy to rebalance the body’s energy system in relation to those specific issues.

EFT works to shift energy in order to reroute the brain’s conditioned negative response to a particular issue. The therapy is based on the theoretical understanding that the body is a dynamic “energy configuration”, where thoughts, emotions and memories are interrelated in an information feedback system with our subjective and physical experiences.

The energetic intervention of stimulating meridian points, helps influence negative responses and limiting thoughts and beliefs, which get in the way of success, health, happiness and inner peace.

EFT is a self help tool that you can apply to all areas of your life. The therapy has had effective use in helping with the following conditions: Pain, Eating disorders, PTSD, Anorexia/Bulimia, Abuse, Addictions, Depression, Weight loss, Dyslexia, OCD, Carpal Tunnel , Blood pressure, Anger, Children's issues, ADD-ADH, Diabetes, Allergies, Fears/phobias, Headaches, Claustrophobia, Panic/Anxiety, Agoraphobia, Asthma, Fear of Flying, Trauma.


Sandra Nathan

 Endometriosis and Fertility

Endometriosis can be a distressing disease affecting women's health. It can cause the most excruciating pain, and in some women it appears to trigger fertility or infertility problems. Endometriosis is systemic; it affects every part of the body, not just the gynecological organs.
People suffering with this disease often experience a general sense of feeling unwell, dreadful fatigue, bloating, bouts of constipation or diarrhea, abdominal pain and bladder problems. Nutritional medicine may help to improve ova and sperm quality, as well as improve cell metabolism so that all body systems can effectively function with the right nutrients. Health is interconnected, and depends on the efficient functioning of every aspect of the organism to achieve optimum potential.

The body wants to be well all the time and our body homeostasis pathways are continually working towards maintaining a balance

Nutritional medicine for Endometriosis is based on research that looks at the link between disorder of the reproductive/endocrine and immune systems and sub clinical nutritional deficiencies. Nutritional medicine works with the body biochemistry to restore quality of life and homeostasis, through eating a choice of nutritious foods and judicious use of supplements in the short term. Through using this method, pain may be reduced and fertility restored.


Lucy Slater

Energy and Release Therapies

Please phone the clinic on 0207 631 0156 to get further advice on the range of Energy and Release Therapies we offer.


Patrizia Brunelli, Dr Sukul Diwaker

Executive Coaching

Finding the way forward in today’s disruptive global business arena can be a daunting prospect. For even the most experienced corporate leader.  As individuals, too, we face an increasingly fast-changing existence with numerous stresses that hold back personal aims. 
It doesn’t have to be so.
Each person reacts to challenges in a different way due to their own life experiences. Each person’s definition of a challenge differs. 
Through such reinvigorating alignment of the self, new vistas open up for achieving inner and work goals and enhancing personal fulfilment.  This is what matters: Realizing your potential.
Empowering self-awareness to empower your future.  
Potential coaching topics
(not limited to those examples)
-Career transition
-Return to work
-Leadership transition
-Boosting your self-confidence
-Communications skills
-emotional intelligence and emotional resilience skills
-presence and impact


Padma Coram, Dr Kim Jobst, Dr Diwaker Sukul

 Functional medicine

Functional medicine uses a holistic systems-orientated approach to address the underlying causes of a disease by examining the effects of genetic and environmental interaction on disease etiology.  Functional medicine holds that genetic expression is inhibited or facilitated by environmental factors, and can be altered with changes in one’s environment.

Functional medicine employs a patient-centred focus, where the practitioner and the patient engage in a therapeutic relationship, which documents the timeline of a patient’s illness and wellness history.  A functional medicine specialist integrates genetic, environmental, social, mental and emotional factors that affect the health of individuals over the course of their lifecycle.  Similar to Ayurveda and Chinese medicine philosophies, functional medicine focuses on the individual as a whole rather than as reduced to a set of symptoms to be assessed in isolation. Functional medicine, is therefore, especially beneficial for examining the underlying causes of chronic illnesses such as autoimmune disorder, allergies and food intolerances, and other bacterial or parasitic and viral infections.


Dr Damien Downing, Dr Rajendra Sharma, Dr Ghazala Aziz- Scott, Dr Shashi Prasad, Dr Kim Jobst, Christina Barton

 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a simple, pain free and non-invasive treatment that increases the amount of oxygen within the blood and tissues.

Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO) consists of exposure to 100% oxygen under increased atmospheric pressure.

It enables our blood plasma to absorb up to fifteen times more oxygen for tissue use.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is shown to be effective in treatment of:

●     Pain Relief

●     Regulating Sleep Patterns

●     Radiation Injury

●     Wound Healing

There is also anecdotal evidence that suggests the value of HBOT in management of depression, anxiety and general mental clarity.

When your blood carries this extra oxygen throughout your body, this helps fight bacteria and stimulate the release of substances called growth factors and stem cells, which promote healing.

Handled by our trained practitioners, The Hale Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy brings to you advanced technology in Central London. The chambers are built to provide the utmost comfort through a restful and safe setting for a restorative, relaxing and rejuvenating session.

The process of the HBOT treatment is safe, you will be assessed beforehand and monitored throughout.


Most patients who have contracted coronavirus disease (COVID-19) recover to good health within a few weeks, yet around 17% of patients continue to have problematic symptoms up to 3 months after the onset of COVID-19 — even after tests no longer detect virus in their body. This is known as long COVID.

The most common symptoms that people with long COVID-19 experience include:

  • Loss of taste and/or smell

  • Sleep issues

  • Tachycardia

  • Gut issues

  • Anxiety

  • Fatigue

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Joint pain

  • Chest pain

  • Brain fog, including an inability to concentrate and impaired memory

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is quickly proving to be a useful method of complementary long COVID treatment, with studies and clinical trials already in place.

Due to the ischemic nature (lack of tissue oxygen) of COVID-19, HBOT has the in supplementing the amount of oxygen dissolved by body tissues following infection.


HBOT treatment helps in one’s overall strength and endurance. It keeps you strong, active, and energized throughout the day while also aiding in muscle recovery and injury repair.

HBOT treatment can aid in combating age-related concerns. The extra oxygen from treatment is essential for producing new tissues and blood vessels, which fights the degenerative effects from the ageing process and helps in preventing chronic conditions. With regenerative benefits HBOT can be beneficial in the process of wound healing, scar treatment, as well as supporting the recovery of other cosmetic therapies and treatments.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is not safe for everyone. In general, you shouldn't receive HBOT if you:

  • Have a cold or a fever

  • Have had recent ear surgery or injury

  • Do not like small enclosed spaces (claustrophobia)

  • Have certain types of lung diseases, because of an increased risk for a collapsed lung

  • Have a collapsed lung

Possible symptoms or side effects after HBOT can include fatigue and lightheadedness. More severe problems can include:

  • Lung damage

  • Fluid buildup of the middle ear

  • Sinus damage

  • Changes in vision

To ensure you receive a safe treatment process you will be assessed beforehand and monitored throughout.

For more information please give us a call on 020 3862 4329.


Energy Healing Therapies encompass a wide array of gentle and non-invasive interventions designed to foster physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual recovery and well-being.

These approaches aim to enhance the body's natural healing processes, alleviate symptoms, restore functionality, and improve overall quality of life.

Applicable to both acute and chronic conditions, energy healing therapies adopt a holistic perspective, addressing the individual’s mind, body, and spirit.

Modalities such as Reiki, Pranic healing, Chakra Balancing or energy healing, focuses on balancing the body’s energy fields, thereby supporting the body’s innate ability to heal.

Practitioners assess and manipulate the energy field without physical contact. By clearing energy blockages, practitioners remove negative or congested energy, believed to contribute to physical or psychological imbalances.

These therapies are often used to complement traditional medical treatments, especially for managing stress, reducing pain, and enhancing emotional health.

Pranic Healing is a no-touch, energy-based healing modality that focuses on manipulating the body's energy fields to enhance both physical and emotional/mental well-being. It is based on the understanding that the body has an inherent ability to heal itself, supported by the channeling of life force energy known as "prana." Practitioners utilize various techniques to clear blockages and improve energy flow. This method not only targets physical conditions but also seeks to balance psychological aspects (through Pranic Psychotherapy) and spiritual health, fostering overall harmony and vitality. 

Because of the gentle nature of energy healing, it is also well-suited for children.


John Mcgrath, Patrizia Brunelli

 Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine is a sophisticated system of natural medicine using plant extracts and herbs to help with physical and mental conditions. Herbal medicine combines historical knowledge with the latest scientific research to deliver a contemporary health service that can safely benefit a wide range of conditions including: the immune system, allergies, autoimmune conditions, energy and stamina, fatigue syndromes, emotional health, hormonal health, fertility, pregnancy and childbirth, digestion, nutrition, skin, heart and circulation, joints and bones.

Herbal Medicine has a high rate of clinical success in helping a wide range of conditions. It focuses on the underlying problem as well as the symptoms, with formulated prescriptions to meet each client’s unique needs.


Samara Reid, Margaret Evans, Nick Dale


Homeopathy is a safe, natural form of holistic energy medicine that stimulates the body’s own healing mechanisms to address symptoms and restore balance.

The homeopath will choose the right remedy for you,depending on your symptoms and the way you experience your symptoms both physically, emotionally and mentally.

You will be treated as a whole individual with the intent of aiding recovery from ill health and maintaining health in the long term.

Since its creation over 200 years ago,Homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine and continues to benefit millions of people both young and old, all over the world.

The ever increasing research in this field leaves now little doubt about the efficacy of Homeopathy.

Experience for yourself the power of homeopathy at the Hale Clinic with our experienced homeopathic practitioners.


Dr Susanne Dreher-Brogan, Nick Dale, Kamli Kaul, Patrizia Brunelli


Hypnotherapy is a natural and powerful therapy that is able to create effective change for resolving a variety of problems such as phobias, panic attacks, obsessive behaviour, trauma, emotional concerns, certain allergies, and skin problems, lack of motivation, smoking and weight control.

Hypnotherapy involves teaching clients how to access a state of calm where they remain totally in control, but are able to dip into a world of complete physical and emotional relaxation.

At this point positive suggestions, which can be agreed beforehand, are given. These work on the subconscious mind and help steer towards a chosen solution by creating inner motivation to affect a change. The subconscious mind also controls much of the body’s functioning and welfare, therefore it is possible to “re-programme” body systems back towards health.

Hypnotherapy is totally safe and cannot be used to force any change against someone’s wishes. It will only create the effect that the person undergoing hypnosis allows it to have. Whilst this protects each individual, it also means that the desired outcome has to totally match the client’s needs in order to be fully accessed. Part of the process, therefore, is to establish appropriate and realistic goals prior to embarking on a course of solutions.

Once this has been decided, the hypnotherapist will work out with the client the various stages that make up the course of therapy. This will give an indication of the progress expected.

Hypnotherapists may often combine their therapy with other therapeutic or counselling skills in order to give a more rounded approach. Some cases, such as stopping smoking, may only require a few sessions while more deeply rooted concerns will take longer.

Hypnotherapy is a proven and lasting tool for change and leaves the client with a number of beneficial techniques to empower them in other areas of their life.


Dr Sukul Diwaker, Karen Thomas

 Infusion Therapy and Vitamin Injections

Infusion therapy is an important component of natural medicine and invaluable to easily and profoundly restore health and vitality, especially in chronic diseases, long standing nutrient deficiencies and digestive and absorption problems. It involves using cocktails containing vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients that get transfused straight into the vein (used as a drip). The great advantage of this therapy is that it bypasses the whole digestive tract, which often has a compromised absorption ability and can cause multiple nutritional deficiencies. The infused nutrients go directly into the blood stream, where they provide nourishment to every cell in the body. Very often, in chronic and depleted conditions, high blood levels of key nutrients are required (for example vitamin C) in order for the immune system or other organs in the body to respond in the way needed to overcome certain conditions and to provide the system with the dose of nutrients required to start the healing process. Even if the digestive system functions perfectly, there is a limit to the oral absorption for every nutrient, beyond which, even if taking higher doses orally, this will just be excreted but will not lead to a further increase in absorption. For example, if infusing 7.5g of vitamin C this will give blood levels 10 times as high than supplementing orally with 15g throughout the day. Infusion therapy is a unique, fast and efficient way to give the whole body a boost and raise vitality, immunity and organ function safely and profoundly.

The infusion cocktail can be tailor made according to the patient’s needs, it can contain:

Vitamins, minerals and trace elements (for example vitamin C, Zinc and Selenium for the immune system, potassium and magnesium to support heart function)

Homeopathic remedies to support organ functions and to improve conditions (for example to support nervous system, heart function, liver detox or treat allergies)

Amino acids as vital building blocks for weakness and chronic exhaustion, absorption problems, to raise energy and for athletes to help with muscle building and improve sports performance

Alkalising remedies to help to reduce systemic inflammation, reduce high acidity levels which are usually present in chronic conditions with inflammation

High dose antioxidants like curcumin and lipoic acid to improve cellular function and reduce oxidative stress, which is raised in chronic and inflammatory conditions and with degenerative diseases

Amino acids and precursors for the nervous system to improve function, re-balance and calm – also offering a ‘NERVOUS SYSTEM RE-SET’ as injection: effectively re-balancing the overactivated sympathetic nervous system (fight-and-flight-mode) and the underfunctioning parasympathetic nervous system (calming, relaxing, regenerating, repairing). Has an immediate de-stress effect and helps to shift the nervous system back into balance and also addresses the endocrine imbalance (adrenal burn-out, thyroid problems etc).


Nurse Maria Tam

 MAOW (The Martial Art of Wellness) & Qigong / Energy Healing

Wellness is a natural law of science. Its presence can be felt through the offerings of replenishment by the bodies of natural forces that surround us. The sun, the moon, the forests, oceans, and earth cleverly provide the building blocks of our regeneration through design of their position and composition. Using the science of our proper body positions and directions, we can directly connect to these nourishing forces and unlock a new cycle of wellness. 

Sifu Matthew’s MAOW™ (Martial Arts of Wellness) teaches you directly how to influence your internal healing and power through a series of Martial Arts positions, movements, and focused intentions that directly affect the electro-chemical cycles of your body and cells. Each unique position is designed to connect the electrical fields that strengthen and heal imbalances in the organs, tissues, cells, nerves, bones, and blood. They will create a shift in your programming through new force cycles provided by that direction in relation to your position. They basically feed your body a form of direct and natural medicine, and educate your brain to take a new healing position around stress and imbalance.
MAOW™and Sifu Matthew are currently being studied at an esteemed US university research institute for its ability to create rapid healing. 


Sifu Matthew

 Manual Lymphatic Drainage

The lymphatic system is a secondary circulatory system situated just beneath the skin.

During a Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage (MLDM) gentle rhythmic movements are used to stimulate lymph vessels and send lymph to nodes to be drained away. The massage is gentle and extremely relaxing.

MLDM relaxes the sympathetic nervous system whilst simultaneously enhancing the productivity of the immune system. It also helps facilitate removal of metabolic wastes, excess water, toxins, bacteria and foreign substances from tissue via the lymph vessels and venous capillaries.

Conditions that can benefit from MLDM are allergies, pre/post operative conditions, particularly where the lymph vessels have been removed, post cosmetic surgery, cellulite, digestive problems and also to help sedantary lifestyles.




The essence of meditation is to find an anchor of peace and calm within. It is self evident that nothing in our life remains permanent – we need to find a private oasis of peace and calm inside which is untouched by constant change.

Western Science has been focused on understanding our outer world through the medium of the five senses. The Ancient Yogis took a different approach; they wanted to understand their inner world - our mind and consciousness. By sitting still they were able to calm the mind and access a deep inner peace. Like scientists, they were able to develop “scientific laws/techniques” of how this peace could be accessed, thus the ancient science of meditation was created. Thousands of years later, Western scientists are able to quantify and measure many of the physiological, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits of the ancient yogis “inner science”.

In the past, Meditation was practiced in the high peaks of the Himalayas, separated from the material world. This is now not the case, meditation techniques can be practiced in combination with your daily life.

The practice of meditation facilitates value of self, to help one find; balance, love, happiness and peace within. Meditation focuses on the potential and richness of our own resources, recognizing that whilst material possessions can be enjoyed, they are not to be valued as the sole source of our happiness.

Meditation is not just about words, theories or concepts; but a practical set of techniques which show one how to access a deep inner peace within. The practice of meditation can take as little as five minutes a day or much longer, it is a matter of personal preference.

Lastly, meditation is beneficial for everyone. Our courses are non-denominational and non-religious; enabling each person to choose a course that resonates with their particular lifestyle, whatever their philosophical orientation.

We offer group or private classes in three Meditation courses:
Spiritual Meditation
Simply Meditation
Meditation for work


Padma Coram, Patrizia Brunelli


A mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

Professor Mark Williams, former director of the Oxford Mindfulness Centre, says that mindfulness means knowing directly what is going on inside and outside ourselves, moment by moment.

"It's easy to stop noticing the world around us. It's also easy to lose touch with the way our bodies are feeling and to end up living 'in our heads' – caught up in our thoughts without stopping to notice how those thoughts are driving our emotions and behaviour," he says.

"An important part of mindfulness is reconnecting with our bodies and the sensations they experience. This means waking up to the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of the present moment. That might be something as simple as the feel of a banister as we walk upstairs.

"Another important part of mindfulness is an awareness of our thoughts and feelings as they happen moment to moment.
"It's about allowing ourselves to see the present moment clearly. When we do that, it can positively change the way we see ourselves and our lives."


Padma Coram, Dr Sukul Diwaker, Patrizia Brunelli


The Musculoskeletal system provides structure, protection, balance and movement to the human body. Good alignment and proper functioning promotes general physical and mental wellbeing, and aids self awareness so as to encourage empowerment and ownership of health.

Connective tissue is everywhere in the human body. It is a complex matrix that supports, contains and connects cells in different forms such as cartilage, bone, muscles, lymph, blood, ligaments, tendons and fascia.

Musculoskeletal and Bodywork practitioners are facilitators of normalising structural and mechanical health by benefiting the connective tissue of the body. Connective tissue in general can be considered a fluid structure, responsive to touch and space, that has the potential for transformation.


Alan Richardson, Stephan Hein, Angela Hope Murray

 Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is useful for treating skeletal muscle immobility and pain by relaxing contracted muscles, improving blood and lymphatic circulation, and stimulating the stretch reflex in muscles.


Corinne Zeiderman


Naturopathy is a system of primary health care that works with the individual’s efforts and resources towards achieving optimal expression of homeostasis on a physiological, physical, mental and emotional level; recognising that all these aspects of health are interconnected. Therefore lifestyle, environment, relationships and diet are all taken into consideration to pin point the root cause of pre-dispositions within the body.

The healing power of Nature and its ability to harness the self-healing mechanisms of the body is a defining principle in Naturopathy. This healing power, known as vital force or chi (qi), is considered to be the driving energy that exists within all living organisms, Nature and the Universe itself. When the vital force is appropriately restored to the individual, the body has the opportunity to heal itself.


Lucy Slater, Kaori Murphy, Nick Dale, Adam Greer

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)

Neuro-linguistic programming, or NLP, is a means of interpersonal communication that offers an alternative model to psychotherapy. It is primarily concerned with the relationship between successful patterns of behavior and the subjective experiences underlying them.

This therapeutic technique is often referred to as 'the psychology of excellence', in accordance with the theoretical understanding that the world is perceived in terms of excellence; where individuals can be supported in creating their own choice and flexibility.
NLP is based on the subjective study of language, communication and personal change, and draws upon the work of Gestalt, family systems therapy and clinical hypnosis.

Through the employment of specific strategies and techniques, NLP facilitates the process of replicating excellence, and understanding of how individuals organise their thinking, feelings, language and behavior to produce results.

The theory of NLP is based on three layers of understanding:

Neuro: establishing our individual mental map of the world

Linguistic: how we each assign personal meaning to the information

Programming: our behavioral response to the former.

NLP techniques are often utilised to instigate change and enhance personal growth, development and performance.

NLP can be a very useful tool in helping with behavioural responses to issues such as: abnormal eating patterns, panic attacks, shyness, depression, addictions, phobias, stress and emotional problems.


Linda Crawford, Karen Thomas

 Nutri Energetic System (NES Health)

For chronic or acute disease,  Nutri energetic system (NES Health)   Utilising a hand-held device, levels of immunity, allergies and stress responses are detected. By interpreting on screen indicators (which highlight biochemical reactions to previous infections), most nutritional intake, environmental and chemical toxins are examined. This allows Christina to advise just how well the immune system is performing. Enabling a clearer insight into the cause beneath the symptoms thus allows the focus of the treatment to be more specific.  

The NES miHealth is a powerful hand-held biofeedback device that is non-invasive and effective for reducing stress, releasing and re-educating energy flow, muscles, nerves, organs and area's of the body. As stress is released, energy can flow properly and the body's own innate intelligence starts to heal itself.


Christina Barton


There are a variety of different approaches to Nutritional therapy. At the core of each modality is the application of nutrition and health science to optimise each individual’s health potential. Nutritional therapy can be used to help alleviate a wide range of conditions, and provide advice on disease prevention and control.
Individual prescriptions for diet and lifestyle are formulated from a comprehensive client history, and biochemical and other types of clinical assessment may also be used to establish a bespoke plan. Recommendations including guidance on natural detoxification methods to support digestion and absorption, and advice on dietary and nutritional needs for metabolic homeostasis, are provided to improve and support hormonal, neurological and immune function. The appropriate use of supplementary nutrients may also be recommended.


Kaori Murphy, Adam Greer, Lucy Slater, Eve Morley


Osteopathy is a treatment for a wide range of medical conditions.

It works with the structure and function of the body and is based on the principle that the well-being of an individual depends on the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues functioning smoothly together. It considers all aspects of a patient’s life, examines various body systems to assess a patient’s general health and identify any damage, strains or tensions causing the symptoms.

Osteopathy places great emphasis on the body’s structural integrity, recognising that much of the pain and disability that we suffer can be attributed to abnormalities in the body’s function and not necessarily damage caused by injury or disease.

How does it work?

The osteopathic philosophy embraces the idea of the unity of structure and function through four main principles.

  • The body is a unit, and the person represents a combination of body, mind and spirit.

  • The body is capable of self-regulation, self-healing and health maintenance.

  • Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated.

  • Rational treatment is based on an understanding of these principles: body unity, self-regulation, and the interrelationship of structure and function.


What are the Benefits?

  • Removes the underlying cause of pain

  • Reduces pain and stiffness in muscles and joints

  • Increases the range of motions in the joints

  • Treats spinal problems resulting from poor posture or spinal disc injuries

  • Relieves chronic pain through non-invasive treatment

  • Decreases the stress on the joints

  • Improves blood circulation

  • Relieves tension and migraine headaches

  • Helps the body to adapt to structural changes during pregnancy


Keerti Mathur

Personal Development

Personal development is the ongoing process of understanding and developing oneself in order to achieve one’s fullest potential. It is a vital part in a person’s growth, success and happiness. It is the basis of physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual health.

Many pursue “things” with the assumption that when you have enough stuff, you will be happy. You do not have to look too far to find the fault in this theory.  When you choose to invest in yourself and learn who you are and what you want, it's at that point you begin to feel more passionate about the direction your life is taking. The pursuit of purpose and individual achievement is the greatest gift you can give yourself. This growth through learning adds motivation and a sense of excitement to your life.

Personal development provides you with both the incentive and the means to become the best possible version of yourself, expanding your frame of reference; making you aware of the possibilities and opportunities that are available.  The work you do on yourself not only benefits you but all those around you. 

Personal development is forward looking. It teaches you how to create a life that you want, from this moment. It can be used to help with: depression, anxiety, stress, relationship issues, eating disorders, bereavement, divorce, trauma. This work is for those who feel “stuck", “lost” or a “failure.


Dr Kim Jobst, Padma Coram,Sandra Nathan

Phlebotomy - Blood Draw Service

The Hale Clinic is delighted to welcome you to our warm, friendly and safe space on Harley Street where we provide a professional and convenient phlebotomy service where you can have your blood taken for a wide range of specialist blood tests.

For your convenience, we offer a ‘walk in’ service, however to reduce your waiting time we recommend you make an appointment as patients with appointments are given priority.

We also provide a centrifuge service if your blood test requires centrifuging prior to being shipped to the laboratory.

Our phlebotomist is a registered healthcare professional and is specially trained and certified to take blood.

To organise your blood draw with us, just complete the following steps.

Prior to your blood test:

If you have been recommended a particular blood test by your GP, consultant or nutritionist, you should receive a test kit from the laboratory which contains everything you need for the test including a laboratory test or ‘requisition’ form.

1. Call us on 0207631 0156 to book your appointment at the clinic once you have received your test kit. We are open on Mondays and Tuesdays between 9 and 5pm to ensure samples reach overseas laboratories within an optimal time frame.

2. Bring your test kit and all of its contents and packaging to your appointment, as well as any shipping labels. Private blood test kits normally contain a requisition form, test preparation instructions, sample collection instructions and equipment. Check the contents of your test kit to make sure all of its contents have been included.

3. Please have your postal or courier services organised. If your test requires a courier to an overseas laboratory, please book a morning appointment and arrange for the courier to pick up from the Hale Clinic the same afternoon.

On the day:

Please bring all the information in your test kit as these provide vital information needed for the test to proceed and produce viable results.

Important: The test cannot proceed if you do not have your requisition form


Useful preparation tips:

1. Stay hydrated - Increase your fluid intake the night before your blood test and wear something warm the day of the appointment. This helps your veins to become more prominent.

2. Medications and supplements: ask your healthcare professional who ordered the test whether you should continue or stop any medication or supplements prior to the test.

3. Fasting: if your test requires fasting, please book an early appointment and bring a snack and drink to have after your appointment.

4. Fear of needles: If you have a fear of needles or any history of fainting whilst having your blood taken, please let us our phlebotomist know so she can make appropriate arrangements and make your appointment as comfortable as possible.

5. Bleeding disorders or blood thinning medications: Please let your phlebotomist know if you have any bleeding disorders or are taking any blood thinning medication (such as Warfarin).


Nurse Siobhan


Psychotherapy provides a private and confidential space for clients to discuss whatever challenges they might be facing, with a professionally skilled therapist. The therapist does not tell the client what to do; rather, they hold a space for the client to share their thoughts and feelings. Identifying feelings and ways of thinking helps the person to learn to cope with situations they previously found difficult. The aim is to assist a person in understanding what makes them feel positive or anxious and in the development of this, accept their strengths and weaknesses.

Psychotherapy is designed to encourage the communication of conflicts and insight into problems, with the goal being the relief of symptoms and changes in behaviour, which eventually lead to improved social and vocational functioning, as well as personal growth.

Psychotherapy is a process that seeks to help the person gain an increased capacity for choice, through which the individual becomes more autonomous and self determined.

Psychotherapy is a joint venture between the client and the therapist. Success factors rely on the quality of the relationship established between both the client and the therapist, and the quality of their motivation and commitment to change.

It is an effective resource that can be used to support an individual through difficult and traumatic experiences; whilst also providing richness to our lives by offering the opportunity to explore your motivations and sense of ‘self’.

There are many different approaches in Psychotherapy, with each psychotherapist practicing their own individual style. The methodology can be combined with therapeutic approaches such as ‘Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), to create an all encompassing intervention.

It is useful for a wide range of issues, which may be long-standing or which may have surfaced more recently in response to a traumatic life event.

Psychotherapy can be used to help with: Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Relationship and sexual problems, Child-related issues, Eating disorders and substance misuse, Bereavement and loss, Trauma and abuse, Self-harm and Physical conditions.


Dr Sukul Diwaker, Sandra Nathan, Karen Thomas


Reflexology is one of the oldest forms of natural medicine that uses the feet to diagnose and relieve physiological imbalances, restoring general health and well being.

In reflexology every organ, gland and structure in the body can be mapped out on the soles of the feet or the palms of the hands. These specific areas are known as reflex points, and when stimulated with applied pressure techniques, the reflex is able to affect its corresponding organ, gland or structure, restoring an uninhibited flow of energy to optimise  self-healing.

General benefits of reflexology include:

Stimulation of the body’s self-healing mechanism by encouraging optimum functioning of all physiological systems
Stimulation of the thousands of nerve ending in the feet which in turn brings awareness to the composition and balance of the entire musculoskeletal system, as the feet affect the nature of our structure
Reducing tension by relaxing the neuro-musculo-skeletal system.
Stimulation of blood flow, helping to clear away accumulated waste products and toxins. Some waste products appear in the form of crystals made up of uric acid and calcium.

These feel like grains of sugar or sand under the skin and usually accumulate around the joints. By working on them, they can be broken down, carried away in the blood and flushed out of the system.

Reflexology can be helpful in a wide range of conditions including: migraine, back pain, sinus problems, menstrual problems and kidney disorders.


Samara Reid,Sandra Nathan, Angela Hope Murray, Fiona Ettridge

Rolfing Structural Integration

What is Rolfing Treatment?

Rolfing, also known as Rolfing Structural Integration, is a holistic bodywork technique developed by Dr. Ida P. Rolf. This specialized therapy focuses on realigning and balancing the body's structure through deep manipulation of the connective tissues, known as fascia. Unlike traditional massage, Rolfing aims to address the root causes of discomfort and pain by improving posture, enhancing mobility, and promoting overall well-being.

How Does Rolfing Work?

Rolfing works by systematically organizing the body's soft tissue network to release tension and restrictions. This process typically involves a series of ten sessions, each with specific goals, ranging from freeing up the superficial layers of fascia to integrating the deeper structures within the body. Our certified Rolfing practitioners apply precise and sometimes intense pressure to specific areas, encouraging the body to naturally realign and function more efficiently.

Benefits of Rolfing

Improved Posture: Rolfing helps to straighten and balance the body, often leading to better posture and alignment.

Enhanced Mobility: By releasing tension and adhesions in the fascia, Rolfing can increase range of motion and flexibility.

Pain Relief: Many people experience relief from chronic pain conditions, such as back pain, neck pain, and headaches.

Stress Reduction: The deep tissue work can promote relaxation and reduce overall stress levels.

Better Body Awareness: Rolfing encourages a greater sense of body awareness, helping individuals to move more mindfully and efficiently.

Is Rolfing Right for You?

Rolfing is suitable for individuals of all ages and activity levels who are looking to improve their physical health and well-being. Whether you are an athlete seeking to enhance performance, someone dealing with chronic pain, or simply looking to improve your posture, Rolfing can provide substantial benefits.


Alan Richardson


Shiatsu is a traditional Japanese method of bodywork-sharing its principles with Chinese medicine-which uses the power of touch and pressure to adjust the body’s physical structure, and harness effective energy flow (known as “Qi”). Optimum function of the structural system and Qi, supports individuals to greater health and wellbeing. Shiatsu literally means “finger pressure”, and the therapy comprises of a variety of techniques including gentle holding, pressing with palms, thumbs, fingers, elbows, knees and feet on the meridians, and dynamic rotations and stretches, to establish appropriate physical alignment and balance.

Shiatsu works upon the body’s energy or “Qi”, using a network of associated pathways known as meridians, which relate to our internal organs, emotions and mind-body harmony. By facilitating and improving the quality and flow of Qi, Shiatsu aims to achieve improved general health and wellbeing.

Shiatsu is a highly dynamic form of therapy that is both diagnostic and healing in its approach; and is a very effective form of preventative medicine. The individual may want to receive Shiatsu for general health maintenance or specifically to aid a physical, mental or emotional healing process. Recommended sessions therefore pertain to the individual’s reasons for seeking Shiatsu therapy.
Common conditions helped by Shiatsu include: asthmatic symptoms; back pain; depression; digestive problems; headaches, migraines; joint pain and reduced mobility; sports injuries; stress; whiplash injuries and neck stiffness.

Shiatsu is performed at floor level on a padded mat or futon, although it is possible to receive Shiatsu sitting on a chair if you are unable to lie down. The client remains fully clothed throughout the session.


Stephan Hein

person applying skincare cream


Skin is a dynamic, changeable structure that interacts with, and reflects every part of our being - physical, mental and emotional - and our relationship with the external environment.

Good skin care is rooted in lifestyle choices and awareness of one's Health. Being aware of how you breathe can make the difference between a glowing and dull complexion. Choosing to have less sugar in your diet can prevent your skin prematurely aging.

Being conscious of what effects your skin empowers you to take control of the way your skin looks and feels. Choosing natural products that are ethically farmed can enhance the skin's complexion to look more supple, radiant and fresh. And regular sessions are fantastic for boosting skin health and appearance, and working therapeutically with specific conditions. However, the key to healthy skin is our inherent ability to continuously regenerate and create Health from moment to moment. Within this process lies the potential to optimize how our skin looks and feels.

Our physiology is a synergetic system of communication that works as a whole to produce who we are as individuals. The circulatory, respiratory, digestive, immune and lymphatic system all need each other to perform effectively. And all of these systems play an integral role in the health of our skin.

Understanding why these systems affect your skin; and how they are interconnected set the primary foundations for sustainable skin care.

Nutrition is fundamental to the health of our skin. When we feed ourselves, we feed our skin. Like every organ in our body, skin needs vital nutrients so that it can grow and function properly. Skin tone, structure, clarity and radiance are all influenced by the foods we eat.

It is not only food that feeds our skin. Our thoughts and emotions feed our skin too. A calm mind and controlled emotions have an incredible effect at reducing stress; which is a prime factor in premature aging, and dull lifeless skin.

PRP and PRF is made from whole blood and contains a concentration of platelets, fibrin (PRF) and over 1000 biologically active proteins, enzymes, growth factors and other components important for tissue healing and repair.


Samantha Jones, Laura Forster

 Sports Therapy

Despite the name, Sports Therapy is not just for those who exercise or athletes.

It is a form of deep tissue massage that can be used to reduce pain, improve posture, increase function and mobility of your joints, as well as help with mood and relaxation. It is also widely used in the treatment and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions.

It also promotes lymph drainage and can help to speed up the healing process.

Rather than being a gentle relaxing massage, sports therapy is functional and works on the problems identified by the client and the therapist, to achieve positive results and outcomes.

Sports therapy can also be used pre and post event for those participating in sporting events, as well as used to maintain and improve posture, flexibility and mobility for every day activities.


Corinne Zeiderman

 Systematic Kinesiology

Systematic Kinesiology was developed by Brian Butler based from the original creation of Applied Kinesiology of Dr. Goodheart. The International College of Applied Kinesiology was established and twelve doctors worked on the research into muscle testing. Systematic Kinesiology is a totally holistic therapy using the body's bio-feedback mechanism through muscle testing to gain information about the client.

Systematic Kinesiologists are able to help clients much more effectively if each person commits to taking personal responsibility and improving their own health regime. Systematic

Kinesiologists offer a safe, private and personal service, attuned to your individual needs.
The basic tool within Kinesiology is the muscle test. The Systematic Kinesiologist monitors a client’s ability to hold their muscle against light pressure and looks for changes in their muscle strength. Each muscle is related to an energy pathway called a Meridian and each meridian is associated with an organ. For instance, if a client comes with digestive issues, Systematic Kinesiologist will be testing the muscles that are associated with the stomach, small intestine and large intestine meridian, to assess the possible underlying core issues. It’s more likely that the body will reveal itself, pointing to where the most problematic area is through the muscle testing.

There are four factors - chemical, emotional, structural and energetic stress, which can create an energy imbalance. The Systematic Kinesiologist will further access these factors and if any of them are affecting the circuit of energy, the muscle test will feel weak or spongy. Each time a relevant factor is introduced the muscle response changes, similar to a switch. Imagine a strong muscle as being “ON”, if a food which the client suspects they are intolerant to, is placed within the electromagnetic field of the body and that causes the muscle to go weak, this indicates that the food is causing an energy imbalance.

Once the problem area is highlighted, you will be supported with Kinesiology techniques such as nutritional recommendations, lifestyle changes, massaging specific points & energy reflexes, working with related emotional stresses and non-invasive structural corrections to guide you to be balanced holistically which enhances your health and well-being.

The number of Kinesiology sessions varies on the person. Generally, a client can experience improvement within the first three to six appointments, although this may take longer, depending on the severity of physical or emotional problems. Once optimum health has been attained, regular appointments keep the body balanced and prevent further ill health.

During your Kinesiology appointment, you will be given a personalised programme of nutritional supplements to promote your health. These will be charged separately.


Kaori Murphy

 Thermal Imaging Health Screening/Thermography

Thermalogica Health Screening offers Thermal Imaging or Thermography - a safe, non-invasive state of the art clinical test which is radiation free and gives you the ability to see how your body is functioning.  Our team use a Thermal Imaging camera and digital infrared heat map technology to see patterns of heat and cooler areas in the body which could highlight areas of inflammation or dysfunction, creating a map - or thermal fingerprint of your body. You will receive a comprehensive medical report including the images from our team of doctors within a week.

One of the areas Thermalogica proves most popular is for breast health checks - an effective breast screening option for women of any age, who have had breast cancer or may have a history of breast cancer in the family, for women to have dense breast tissue or implants. Used as an adjunctive to structural tests, mammography and ultrasound, Thermography can provide early indications for future breast disease and can play a significant role in helping women to lower their risk over time when used regularly.

Thermal Imaging is a functional test, as compared to mammography, ultrasound and MRI – which are structural types of imaging. All are important in detecting signs that may be indicative of breast disease. This simple test provides a visual guide to any blood vessel and temperature differentials that are present, providing early indications for future breast disease, fibrocystic disease, an infection or a vascular disease. This can help you and your doctor to plan accordingly and lay out a careful program to further diagnose and/or monitor your breast health during and after treatment.

Detecting and monitoring these physical changes through time can play a significant role in helping a woman to lower her risk over time, and in the absence of other positive tests, an abnormal thermogram can be a warning sign to remain vigilant about her breast health, and can give the opportunity to make diet and lifestyle changes to help better balance hormones and subsequently improve breast health.

Thermography does not replace an ultrasound, mammogram or MRI and is not a medical diagnostic tool – it can be used as an adjunctive to the structural tests

Full and half body scans can provide anyone with information on how their body is functioning, can visualise pain and inflammation and could help to detect any early stage health issues, a great way to monitor ongoing issues and can work alongside any therapies. Why not give yourself an annual body MOT?

The screening is quick, your appointment will take between 30-60 minutes, and with our breast screening programme we take a further follow up scan three months after the initial scan to establish a stable breast baseline. Full or half body scans can be done annually.


Lisa Portman

traditional chinese herbal tea

 Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine is imbued with the spirit of Chinese civilisation and culture. Fundamental theories of TCM include those of Qi, Yin Yang, the five elements, zang fu, the four diagnostic methods and syndrome differentiation systems.

Traditional Chinese Medicine views symptoms as a manifestation of imbalance within the whole body’s system, rather than attributing it to a malfunction of one of its parts. A healthy body is well balanced between the opposite energies of Yin and Yang.

Illnesses that are characterised by weakness, lethargy and coldness are more Yin in nature, whilst those that manifest heat and over activity are considered to be Yang in their essence.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine therapy uses mainly vegetable, mineral and traditionally, some animal products, with known healing properties combined in a formula, to rectify the over activity or under activity of yin and yang, and to help restore the body to its normal physiological functioning. Chinese herbs are traditionally made up into teas or decoctions and are uniquely formulated to match the needs of the client.


Tui-Na is a form of hands on therapy that has its origins in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The therapist uses a number of specialised hand techniques, pressing on key meridians and points on the surface of the body to promote the body’s own natural healing process. Tui-Na aims to regulate the functions of internal organs, harmonise the circulation of Qi and blood, encourage efficient metabolism and help the recovery of injured muscles, tendons, bones and joints by stimulating these specific points. Clinically, Tui-Na is highly effective for a wide range of common ailments and conditions, including: Stiff neck and shoulders, Chronic lumbar muscle strain , Slipped disc, Sciatica, Frozen shoulder, Repetitive Strain Injuries, Tennis elbow , Facial paralysis (Bell’s Palsy), Semi-paralysis after stroke, Rheumatic Arthritis, Insomnia, Headache, Hypertension, Chronic gastritis, Constipation , Painful menstrual period, Asthma, Children conditions and Sports injuries.


Margaret Evans, Pinky Lalwani


The aim of a Trichologist is to determine the underlying cause of hair and scalp disorders.  

Cheryl Mackie uses 30 years of experience in the hair industry combined with the science of Microscopy to find the underlying cause of hair and scalp conditions.  

Cheryl uses an exclusive blend of natural ingredients which when applied to acupressure points to correct, control and prompt self-healing.  This blend is available exclusively through CM Hair & Skin.  

Cheryl provides a bespoke natural plan to address hair loss and other hair and scalp conditions, creating more comfortable lives and providing results - often when people have been told that nothing can be done to improve their condition.  

Conditions range from: 

Hair Loss - Hair Thinning - Alopecia Areata - Alopecia Totalis - Alopecia Universalis - Androgenic Alopecia (Male & Female Pattern Hair loss) - Telogen Effluvium - Seborrhoeic Dermatitis (areas with waxy yellowish crust) - Seborrhea (excessively oily scalp) - Itchy Scalp - Flaky or Scaly Scalp - Dandruff - General Scalp Irritation - Hair Breakage and Damage - Dry Hair 


Cheryl uses Microscopy to examine and analyse live hair bulbs which provide a unique insight into any obvious deficiencies and lack of minerals as well as revealing essential information about the structure and condition of the hair. 


Cheryl Mackie


Tui-Na is a form of hands on therapy that has its origins in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The therapist uses a number of specialised hand techniques, pressing on key meridians and points on the surface of the body to promote the body’s own natural healing process.

Tui-Na aims to regulate the functions of internal organs, harmonise the circulation of Qi and blood, encourage efficient metabolism and help the recovery of injured muscles, tendons, bones and joints by stimulating these specific points.

Clinically, Tui-Na is highly effective for a wide range of common ailments and conditions, including: Stiff neck and shoulders, Chronic lumbar muscle strain , Slipped disc, Sciatica, Frozen shoulder, Repetitive Strain Injuries, Tennis elbow , Facial paralysis (Bell’s Palsy), Semi-paralysis after stroke, Rheumatic Arthritis, Insomnia, Headache, Hypertension, Chronic gastritis, Constipation , Painful menstrual period, Asthma, Children conditions and Sports injuries.


Samara Reid

Weight Loss

The Hale Clinic offers a wide range of weight loss support mechanisms.

Kaori Murphy supports weight loss through Kinesiology, nutrition & Colonic Hydrotherapy.


Kaori Murphy

woman on beach

Women‘s Health

Women's Health is a dimensional process that unfolds into many different cycles throughout a lifetime.

It is at once a powerfully dynamic and delicate phenomenon that inter-connects Body, Mind and Soul.

Our experiences, relationships, the environment, our diet and external stresses can affect the expression of a woman's health; leading to physiological, mental and emotional conditions.

Therapies tailored specifically for women at The Hale Clinic offer a wide spectrum of support, to help promote bio-chemical, hormonal, energetic, emotional and mental balance.


Dr Damien Downing, Dr Ghazala Aziz-Scott,Dr Shashi Prasad, Dr Rajendra Sharma , Dr. Susanne Dreher-Brogan, Christina Barton


Whether a newcomer or experienced, The Hale Clinic offers a unique approach to yoga classes and courses, focusing on private sessions or up to three in a class. We hope you find our approach inspiring, and an easy start on your journey of self discovery.

Yoga refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines originating in India. The word is associated with meditative practices in the east. The Sanskrit word yoga has many meanings, and is derived from the Sanskrit root "yuj", meaning union or to unite. Yoga is thought to have originated in 3300BC in the Indus Valley. Ancient Vedic texts have been found in the region from this date, depicting figures in positions resembling a common yoga or meditation pose, showing "a form of ritual discipline", suggesting a precursor of yoga.


Stephan Hein, Patrizia Brunelli