Profile picture of Padma Coram

Padma Coram


Padma works internationally & remotely


Meditation & Mindfulness

Sleep Therapy

Loss/Heart Healing

Burnout Therapy

Anxiety/Stress, Fear Therapy

Functional Healing Therapy 360

Mind - body - Soul Transformation


Discovery Session through 4 Directional analysis (required before any therapy) 30mins £150

Meditation & Mindfulness 30mins £150

Sleep Therapy 30mins £150

Loss / Heart Healing 30mins £150

Burnout Therapy 30mins £150

Anxiety / Stress / Fear Therapy 30mins £150

Functional Healing Therapy 360 degree Mind - Body - Soul Transformation

(bespoke pricing based on individual needs  & situation)


Yoga Alliance

Do you hope these words would describe how you feel?

Inner peace, confidence, feeling strong ,alive, purposeful, joyful, healthy, light, happy, grateful, worry free, fresh, positive or something similar?


Do any of these words strike a chord or feel familiar?

Stressed, stuck, fearful, nervous, trapped, sad, angry, hurt, lost, empty, scared, heavy, drained, negative, unhappy or something similar?

Padma deals with STRESS i.e problems caused by Mental, Emotional or Physical issues. She uses her unique Level-7 method, integrated with other healing therapies

Padma is born into a holistic family and has since birth been practising Meditation, Ayurvedic eating and Integrated Wellness Living. 

She has traveled extensively worldwide to study and practice her craft. Padma understands modern, URBAN issues & busy lifestyles. Her passion is to get people to be emotionally strong, mentally fit and physically their healthiest best. 

She has produced, in her clients words, ‘life-changing results’.

In the initial Discovery session Padma carries out a practical and vibrational analysis to evaluate what is needed to unlock and unblock the issue at hand. She gets to the root cause of the problem to see what is keeping us trapped, be it any physical, emotional, mental or spiritual blockages. 

With Padma’s vast knowledge of Eastern and Western modalities she will recommend the most suitable technique for the individual’s current situation to help heal physical issues or emotional pain and stress. Each session with Padma is uniquely catered to the individual’s needs and lifestyle. 

Some of Padma’s clients range from: 

  • Young millennial’s feeling confused & lost with equally stressful physical symptoms 

  • Young mums feeling overwhelmed with physical manifestations of stress

  • Men and Women with ‘burn out’ from high pressure roles and responsibilities at home or work  

  • Individuals, unable to navigate through life. Some symptoms could appear as feeling stuck, trapped, empty, nervous, worried, exhausted and tired with perhaps some unpleasant physical symptoms

  • High profile or HNW individuals seeking solutions on any of the mentioned issues, especially understanding their jet set or unique lifestyle or issues arising from it and the need for great discretion and privacy

  • Individuals having had a personal loss and looking to heal the heart and move forward with life

  • Individuals looking to find peace, inner strength, purpose, fulfilment, joy. They want  something more than what they currently have


Indian born Padma hails from the South Indian, Shankar Shastri lineage the first family of Wellness and Spirituality which includes well-respected and distinguished sages (Shankaracharya), spiritual masters, and Swamis (Swami Sivananda). Padma’s knowledge is vast and deep. Padma has worked and learnt from the best in their respective fields. Including, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa and Deepak Chopra, Louise Hay, Denise Linn, Vianna Stibal, Bala for - Choa Kok Su, Richard Bandler, Dr Gregg Braden (Phd), Dr Joe Dispenza to name a few. 

  • In the UK - Padma has spoken (with case studies) on Lifestyle and Wellness at the Palace of Westminster Parliament, UK obo of the Indian High Commission and APPG for 3 consecutive years (2017, 2018, 2019)

  • Padma has spoken at prestigious educational institutions - talking to the students of Eton College and working with Oxford University students on Lifestyle and Wellness

  • Padma has spoken and hosted workshops on Lifestyle and Wellness at the US Capitol - Senate with the Women's Leadership group

Padma has studied:

Chakra Work, Crystal Healing, Sleep Therapy, Yoga Nidra, Aromatherapy, Meditation, Mindfulness, Pranic Healing, Theta Healing, Mantras, Colour Therapy, NLP, Soul Card Reading, Numerology and Vedic Astrology, Breath Work, Mudras, Intuitive Healing, Ayurveda, Hoponopono, Visualisation, Past Life Regression amongst many other modalities.


Padma studied wellness in several different locations and universities.

Grad (Hons) and professionally qualified  to practise. Padma has won several awards in several categories.The  awards range from business, charity, wellness, visionary, including the Deputy Prime Minister Award, amongst many others. 


