Lisa Portman


Available Upon Request


Thermal Imaging Health Screening / Thermography


Initial breast scan - £275

3 month breast follow up scan - £175

Annual breast scan - £230

Half body scan - £295.00

Full body scan - £395.00

Half body and breast scan - £395.00

Full body and breast scan - £495.00

For a free initial consultation and any questions please call 02037451750


ACCT, American College of Clinical Thermology

Clinical Thermographer Level I (CT-I)

Thermalogica Health Screening has been growing for the past 6 years, with clinics throughout the South West and at the prestigious Hale Clinic in London. Started by two best friends with a commitment to help make women aware of their breast health, the importance of early stage detection and regular monitoring , their passion began after one of them was diagnosed with breast cancer and their tumour had not been picked up on a mammogram. Widely used in the US, Europe and other countries around the world, this state of the art screening is now available through Thermalogica.
