Acupuncture is one of the key components of traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM),and is among the oldest healing practices in the world. It is characterised by a collection of procedures which involves the stimulation of points on the body either by:
Penetrating the skin with needles that are then manipulated manually or by electrical stimulation
Traditional acupuncture focuses on the individual rather than their illness or isolated symptoms. Pain and illness is regarded as a sign that the body is out of balance. The aim of Traditional acupuncture is to re-establish the free flow of qi, to restore balance and stimulate the body’s own self-healing resources. This is achieved by inserting ultra thin, sterile, disposable needles into specific points which correspond with the meridian channels.
The ear is a valuable tool in rebalancing the body and provides an effective and accessible means of assistance at a fundamental level. The ear functions as a minute representation of the body in the same way as the foot does in reflexology. Disharmony within the body can be reflected onto the ear as an area of inflammation, white or grey nodules and even scarring. By using very small acupuncture needles on the ear, the acupuncturist can stimulate the energy at these points, helping to address imbalance in the body. Sometimes small plasters with little gold balls or seeds are left over certain points on the ear to maintain the affects of the session, and enable the client to be active in their own health by stimulating these specific areas. As well as rebalancing the body, Auricular acupuncture facilitates chemical changes that occur within the bloodstream. Auricular acupuncture can be used with other styles of acupuncture or on its own.
Cosmetic Acupuncture is a painless therapy that can help reduce the signs of ageing. It involves the use of tiny disposable needles inserted into various acupuncture points on the face. By stimulating these points, energy blockages are cleared and both oxygen and blood flow are increased to the face. In addition lymphatic drainage is promoted. At the cellular level this helps the skin to remove toxic waste effectively and thus maintain efficient rejuvenation of the cells.
The session results in plumping up the skin, smoothing out wrinkles and dissolving lines of tension. However, importantly at a deeper level, collagen and elastin fibres are stimulated to encourage regeneration which can keep us looking younger longer. The needles are left in the face for approximately 30 minutes and the whole procedure is very relaxing. A minimum of 6 sessions is generally required to see the benefits however even after one session the skin can look rejuvenated and radiant.