
Homeopathy is a safe, natural form of holistic energy medicine that stimulates the body’s own healing mechanisms to address symptoms and restore balance.

The homeopath will choose the right remedy for you,depending on your symptoms and the way you experience your symptoms both physically, emotionally and mentally.

You will be treated as a whole individual with the intent of aiding recovery from ill health and maintaining health in the long term.

Since its creation over 200 years ago,Homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine and continues to benefit millions of people both young and old, all over the world.

The ever increasing research in this field leaves now little doubt about the efficacy of Homeopathy.

Experience for yourself the power of homeopathy at the Hale Clinic with our experienced homeopathic practitioners.


Dr Susanne Dreher-Brogan, Nick Dale, Kamli Kaul